Hiki-NEET Vol 7 Idle Talk 1

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of Hiki-NEET.

First Idle talk out of 6. They’re side chapters, but it’s translated as idle talk. I don’t know why though. They’re all pretty interesting, so I recommend reading it if you follow the novel. I’m also almost done with the chapters for each of my patron tiers, so you can check them out as well if you’re interested in it.

Tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.


Enjoy your read~

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STOS Chapter 63 (Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu)

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of second summon.

I think I’ve gotten faster now that I decided to try other tools to understand the meaning of each words. Less time means more work done, yay! I’ll still keep it at 1 chapter a week for now though I’ll try to get more chapters done. Maybe I can finish translating the whole story by the end of the year? That is, if I’m very quick and translate like a no-lifer.

Do tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

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Hiki-NEET Vol 7 Epilogue

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of Hiki-NEET.

It’s the end of this volume, though there will be a few side chapters until we go to the next volume.

Tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.


Enjoy your read~

EDIT: I accidentally published this without a title so permalink was screwed up. Now that I fixed it, the link you got from the mail is broken. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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STOS Chapter 62 (Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu)

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of second summon.

A little later than usual because I had to work overtime. If you like this story, do give a review on novelupdates. It can use some positive reviews with all the negative ones.

By the way I’ve updated the TOC with the future titles I’ve already translated and edited for patreon to get your tongues wet. Not sure if it actually does though.

Do tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

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STOS Chapter 61 (Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu)

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of second summon.

Trying to find ways to show up better on google. Maybe adding the japanese title would help. Though then again, I doubt many would check google for this.

Do tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “STOS Chapter 61 (Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu)”

STOS Chapter 60

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of second summon.

I noticed the author of second summon is writing another webnovel. The premise seems to be about a Hero  quiting his job and retiring in some mountain village and coincidentally the demon lord decided to quit hers and retire in the very same mountain village. There’s already 39 chapters and it sounds like it’s going to be more lighthearted, or maybe not since second summon didn’t sound that serious at first either.

Do tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu Chapter 60

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STOS Chapter 59

Hello readers! Jun here with your weekly translation of second summon.

You had a certain impression of this story in the beginning. Did that impression change in any way? Is that a good thing? I thought it was going to be more comedy like in the first few chapters but that changed to a more serious story rather quickly. It was an interesting change really.

Do tell me if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu Chapter 59

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