Hello readers! Here is the weekly chapter of second Summon. Got nothing to add here this time.
Enjoy your read~
Chapter brought to you by ScarletMadness.org
Hello readers! Here is the weekly chapter of second Summon. Got nothing to add here this time.
Enjoy your read~
Chapter brought to you by ScarletMadness.org
Hi readers! Here it is, another bi-weekly chapter of Kanna. I also have a sad announcement to make. After long consideration, I have decided to drop Kanna. It’s mostly due to time constraints, what with me spending a little too much of my free time in novel translations (especially this one) and my interest in the novel has always been a bit so-so compared to my other project. The fact that this novel is both twice as long and counting and its grammar etc is harder to get also doesn’t help. I’ve also decided to keep the other novel project because the pace allows me to finish it in a reasonable period of time(a little less than 1.5 years, or earlier if I translate faster).
I did learn a lot of things while translating this novel so I’m glad I’ve picked this up despite the slow pace and short time.
So with this, I hereby allow anyone to start translating this. If free time allows me, I may sporadically translate a chapter if nobody has decided to pick it up, but don’t count on it too much. At least not until I finish my other project.
Thank you all for reading my translations up until now and hopefully I’ll be seeing you around, either on my other project or a future project when I’m about to be done with the current one. (or when I manage to get enough money to quit my job and focus on translation instead).
Enjoy your read and thank you for everything.
Hello readers! Also sorry, I got an unexpected visitor yesterday and completely forgot about releasing a chapter after that. But no worries, next days will happen on the same day again, so enjoy your read and look forward to the next chapter!
Edit: By the way, after reading overlord, I felt that heteromorph sounded better for Setsu’s type of sacred sword. Fits even better with the weapon’s description.
Enjoy your read~
Chapter brought to you by ScarletMadness.org
Hello readers! Another weekly dose of Second summon! You know, I easily catch a weak cold, but I never really get sick enough to stay in bed or at least away from work. Is that a good or a bad thing?
Enjoy your read~
Chapter brought to you by ScarletMadness.org
Hi readers! Here it is, another bi-weekly chapter of Kanna and an early one at that. This one is also small, but the next chapter will be large. About twice as large. I hope I’m getting it ready on time since I also want to do some chapters of the other novel.
Enjoy your read.
Hello readers! Another weekly dose of Second summon! I wish I don’t have to work, then I’d have more time doing other stuff. And more translations too. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Either way, enjoy your read~
Hello readers! Another weekly dose of Second summon! I almost forgot today was thursday. Good thing it’s already translated and I only have to check for necessary edits.
Either way, enjoy your read~
Hi readers! Here it is, a bi-weekly chapter of Kanna. It was a short one, but I ended up spending all my time binge-reading Zero no tsukaima so it made no difference in the end.
Enjoy your read.
Hello readers! Another weekly dose of Second summon! I’ve got nothing to say this time, except that it’s cold today. I know, there are many colder places in the world.
Either way, enjoy your read~
Hello readers! Another weekly dose of Second summon! And it’s the start of volume 2; the beastmen continent. There is actually a picture of Melua, but I thought that since there’s no detailed description of her yet and Setsu hasn’t seen her, I’ll add the picture at a later chapter. She should appear again somewhere….I think volume 3? And in exchange, two pictures of other characters.
By the way, I don’t have the actual copy of the novels, so I don’t have any pictures besides anything I can find online. I may or may not find every picture there is. Most of these pictures are posted on twitter by some artist @40hara, though most of their media is….suggestive. I may consider buying the books at some point, just for the sake of it. At least if it’s available for me that is.
Another thing is, I’ve decided to change the irregular type sacred sword thing to grotesque type. I think it fits better than irregular when I reread a future chapter, but I’m still not sure.
Either way, enjoy your read~
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