KG-SHSB Chapter 23

Hello my dear readers! Here’s Chapter 23 of your bi-weekly Kanna. Sorry for a day late, the chapter was unexpectedly long so I underestimated the time I needed to finish translating it. The slangs he used and typos(in japanese) he made didn’t help much either. I may have made some errors in the meaning of the sentence, so be on the lookout for me and report them if you see anything that sounds wrong or incorrect.


Enjoy the chapter!

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STOS Chapter 27

Hello readers! Another weekly dose of Second summon! With this I have 8 translated chapters left! Yes, I totally used my free time to do things other than translating, so yeah. This means there’s only 8 weeks left until I have to rush in translating more chapters…

Either way, enjoy your read~


Continue reading “STOS Chapter 27”

KG-SHSB Chapter 22

Hello fellow readers! Here’s Chapter 22 of your bi-weekly Kanna. I noticed a review on NU about the novel said the releases are slow. I can’t help it, really. I don’t have that much time I want to give up on translating since I also work. Or I’m going to have to give up on gaming and other things I’m doing, which I’ll never give up. So there, bi-weekly it is. I may want to do an extra chapter inbetween it once every so often, but that’s when I feel like it. Also, what do people think about adding author notes?


Also, I just realized chapter 21 is the first chapter of the third arc already. Just so you know. The title of the arc is “The one who disturbs harmony”


Enjoy the chapter!

Continue reading “KG-SHSB Chapter 22”