Hiki-NEET Vol 11 Chapter 4

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of Hiki-NEET!

I forgot to say that I took a week off to get some extra translating done, which is why you didn’t see any releases last week. I will be continuing normally now.

Also, I’ve been agonizing a lot about the word we use for taking apart an animal/monster’s corpse. “Dismantle” only works if they’re machine and all, and “dissect” only works when it’s for research purpose. I asked around and people say “carve”, so I’m using that for now. Let me know if there’s a better word for it.


Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

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Hiki-NEET Vol 10 Idle talk 4

Hello readers! This is Jun with your weekly chapter of Hiki-NEET!

Sorry for not mentioning it here either, but I decided to take a few weeks of rest from translating. Not sure if it helped me get more motivated, but I’ll be continuing my translation again from now on.


Let me know if you find anything odd or wrong about my translation, I’ll review and fix if it whenever I can.

Enjoy your read~

Continue reading “Hiki-NEET Vol 10 Idle talk 4”